Self-Care Sunday
January 26, Sunday, 2025
4PM - 5:30 PM

Restorative Yoga is your deeply relaxing style of yoga practice. It is a receptive practice, not an active practice. The poses are held from five to as long as twenty minutes. During this time, you are reclining in “shape” postures while being completely supported with blankets, blocks, or bolsters. You enter into a state of relaxation. It is here when you can “let go” of those deep holding patterns in your body and find a state of balance. That will allow your body to heal therapeutic injuries and ailments and relieves the symptoms of chronic stress. Yoga Nidra is a form of guided meditation, also known as “yogic sleep” or effortless relaxation. Come and get in touch with your true nature and deepest desires using the tools of Yoga Nidra.

We will serve a healthy surprise.

Investment: $35

Places are limited!


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