
What Clients Say

“Bikram yoga has transformed my life in a way that keeps me coming back for more. It has a way of pulling back all your fears, struggles and insecurities and reminds you that you are perfect and whole just as you are the moment you look in that mirror. Bikram yoga makes you dig deep and find strength you never thought you had. Everything you learn in Bikram you take with you out into the world. It makes all the little things not seem so big anymore. I am truly grateful every day for this yoga.”

Leah Olson, VT

Brandon Yoga

October 22, 2018

I am nearly sixty and for well over a decade was plagued with constant severe back pain. I did physical therapy, saw the best orthopedic specialists, received cortisone injections, and by now I’m sure I put my chiropractor’s kid
Through two semesters of college yet could not find more than a temporary relief from pain.
Someone recommended Bikram yoga (Hot Yoga), telling me how it helped her severe arthritis and promised it would make a big difference for me as well.
I was admittedly skeptical as I had already tried various forms of exercise to find relief but decided in the end it was worth a try. After attending a few classes I was almost ready to give up. I am not a fan of heat and initially had a difficult time with some of the poses. However, by the fourth class I found myself feeling better overall with less back pain than I’d felt in years. Within four months all the back issues are gone, and I no longer have any discomfort. That was over two years ago, and I regularly attend classes. Aside from the blessed relief of pain I’ve found my overall health improved and my flexibility greatly increased. Bikram yoga is not the easiest yoga and it requires more mental and physical discipline than other exercise regimes but it by far reaps the most benefits.

Julia Kowalski, VT
October 22, 2018

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